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Training of extension and teaching staff of Ain Shams University
on future-proof horticulture


Cairo and Fayoum, Egypt



The Salt Doctors, Delphy (lead), Ain Shams University, iCRA, ARC



April 2021 - March 2022


Project description:

At one of the two mayor universities in Cairo, the Ain Shams University, we had a project on sustainable and saline agriculture.

At the universities experimental fields, we provided training in existing relatively low-tech netted tunnel greenhouses (Delphy), a more high-tech pad-and-fan greenhouse (Delphy) and at two open field locations, one in Cairo and the other in the Fayoum (see the TMT project under Egypt, Fayoum).


This TMT+ aimed at establishing a more productive as well as more sustainable and resilient agricultural system by:

- Promoting agricultural growth;

- Creating ecologically sustainable food systems;

- Increasing water efficiency in agriculture.


This was reached through increasing the teaching capacity of the extension and lecturing staff of ASU, by improving their theoretical and practical knowledge on climate smart and saline agriculture, open field and protected cultivation, water management systems and their field monitoring methods.


The participants are now able to give practical trainings themselves to students and (leading) farmers, supporting the farmers and making the students better suited for the labour market.


This was done by receiving tailor-made trainings on specific topics related to future-proof horticulture, where adequate knowledge, experience and skills were lacking.

The trainings used three teaching methods: theory, practice, and knowledge transfer of the participants themselves.

This resulted in a more efficient dissemination of in-depth knowledge on future-proof horticulture including climate smart and saline agriculture. 



This project was a great success with many enthusiastic participants who have learned a lot.

At the end of the project, we organized a large event where the project participants shared what they had learned to a large group of invitees, amongst which was the Dutch agricultural attaché in Cairo.

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